What is EquipU?
EquipU is a systematic discipleship pathway providing a concentrated Bible study program and solid foundation for biblical understanding and living. The program can be completed in four years by taking three classes per year (12 total). An optional fifth year is available for those desiring the Advanced Certificate (15 total classes). Each student will take all ten of the Core Courses along with two Electives (for the four-year Certificate) or five Electives (for the five-year Advanced Certificate).


EquipU Courses meet on Wednesday at 6:30 pm. The options are:

  1. Marriage

  2. Bible Doctrine I




A practicum is simply “a practical section of a course of study.”  In addition to the core and elective classes, each student will complete practicum observations of various aspects of the ministry, submitting “practicum reports” for each area observed.  A pastoral advisor will guide each student through the process.  

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  1. Who will teach the classes?
    Classes will be taught by SBC pastors as well as some friends of the ministry who specialize in certain areas.

  2. How many weeks will each class meet?
    Each class will meet for eight weeks.

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1. Life of Christ
2. Pauline Epistles
3. Old Testament Survey
4. Missions: Your Role in God’s Plan for the Nations
5. Personal Evangelism & Discipleship

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