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  1. Who will teach the classes?
    Classes will be taught by SBC pastors as well as some friends of the ministry who specialize in certain areas.

  2. How many weeks will each class meet?
    Each class will meet for eight weeks.

  3. How do I register?
    Registration will be once per year, typically in August - September, before the beginning of the Fall semester. During this time, you can register online, or by calling the Church Office. Not registered?  You may still take the class, as long as space allows. 

  4. What does the calendar look like?
    The year will be divided into trimesters. The schedule each year will look approximately like this:

                    Fall:  September – October

                    Winter: January – February

                    Spring: mid-March – May

  5. How many classes do I have to attend to get credit?
    In order to receive credit for the class, seven of the eight class sessions must be attended.

  6. Can I still attend a class even if I don’t want to register as an EquipU student?
    Yes! Anyone may “audit” a class provided there’s enough space in the classroom.

  7. Will I need to spend a lot of time out of class preparing or doing homework?
    The majority of the work will be done during the class time itself. Optional supplemental reading assignments will be available for those desiring a deeper understanding of the class. A summary paper/project will be required at the end of each class to ensure mission connectivity between the class and the SBC mission statement.