Michael & Sarah Wilburn
Chloe, Titus & Noelle
Michael and Sarah Wilburn met in college and married in 2001. They desire to glorify God in their home by serving one another in love (Gal 5:13). Sarah is a skilled teacher. She taught second grade before homeschooling their three children: Chloe (16 yrs) who loves book recommendations, Titus (11 yrs) a rollercoaster enthusiast and taco connoisseur, and Noelle (7 yrs) who pets all animals.
As a pastor for 20 years, Michael served the church by preaching and providing vision and leadership. He is committed to expositional preaching in which the point of the text is the point of the sermon. To shepherd the flock, he desires to know and love the people he leads (1 Thess 2:8).
Michael holds degrees in biblical studies, theology, higher education, and a Ph.D. in leadership. He writes and advocates for church-based theological education. He serves as a Trustee at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary and on the Elected Council of Baptist Mid-Missions.
In addition to ministry, Michael is a reader and learner. Marathon running, kayaking, cribbage, avocados, and the Cincinnati Reds are a few of his favorite things. The Wilburns seek to love their neighbors through Christian hospitality.
Michael and Sarah enjoy connecting with new friends on social media. You can find them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They are too old for TikTok or Snapchat.