Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What do you believe?
A: Click here to view our statement of faith.
Q: What translation of the Bible do you use?
A: Our pastor preaches from the New King James Version. You may find it helpful to use the same version, but are welcome to use your preferred version, as do many of our members. If you need help choosing a Bible, just ask a pastor or elder.
Q: How should I dress?
A: There is no dress code here. The main things is to dress to glorify God (1 Cor 10:31). Some people put on their “Sunday best” as an expression of worship in giving their best to God. Others dress more casually in a spirit of worship that says, “man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Sam 16:7). You should wear what is comfortable for you and in your mind best honors God.
Q: What is the worship like?
A: Our worship is simple, participatory, and Christ-exalting. The atmosphere is warm and casual—not stuffy and not ultra-trendy. Our technology and art are not our message, but tools for our message. Jesus is our “wow factor.” Both hearing and responding to the message of Jesus is part of our worship. Our music, our prayers, and our giving all either prepare us for or respond to the message. Communion and baptism both illustrate for us and preach to the world the message that Jesus is our life.
Q: Okay… What I really meant was, “what is the music like?”
A: Our music is dynamic and diverse, weaving mostly contemporary songs with hymns and other styles. Our breadth of styles broadens our teaching and worship vocabulary, reflects God’s diverse creativity, and reminds us how diverse a people God has united in Christ. Our worship choir, praise band and wind ensemble lead in various combinations to best serve the music and the message.
Q: Where do my children go?
A: One of three buildings. Campus guides will help you find your way.
View our Campus Map
Q: Do you take up an offering, and should I participate?
A: Weekly offerings are a way for our people to worship God and support the ministry. We would never discourage someone from worshipping through giving, but we also would never expect our guests to support our ministry until they are a part of it. We hope the worship service will be a gift to you!
Q: Do you have children’s and youth ministries?
A: Yes. We have vibrant children’s and student ministries led by paid staff and an army of faithful volunteers.