Darin Allen
Associate Pastor for Music & Worship
Email: dallen@sbcfamily.org
Darin was born and raised in western Pennsylvania where he grew to love Christ from the example and teaching of his parents and church. He was saved at the age of nine and began singing in church, recognizing a call to ministry at age sixteen. Darin met Amy on a regional youth choir tour for which he was the assistant director and she the accompanist. They were married in 1998.
After completing a Bachelor of Science in Education in the subjects of English and Music, Darin taught at a public alternative school for two years before assuming his first ministry position and beginning seminary studies. He completed a Master of Arts in Church Music from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2004.
Darin and Amy have been in the music and worship ministry since 1999, serving churches in eastern North Carolina and south Alabama before joining the Shenandoah family in 2011. They have three amazing kids, Caylie (2002), Garrett (2005), and Chloe Beth (2009), who attend or have graduated from Roanoke Valley Christian Schools. Favorite family activities include hiking, camping, and eating. Songwriting, the mountains, coffee, hunting, and the Steelers are a few of Darin’s favorite things.