ExodusApril - June 2024
April 14, 2024Leading Out of SlaveryExodus 1-1-22Michael Wilburn
May 12, 2024Leading with PowerExodus 4:1-17Michael Wilburn
June 9, 2024Leading Reluctant PeopleExodus 6:2-13Michael Wilburn
April 21, 2024Leading Out of PrivilegeExodus 2:1-10Michael Wilburn
May 19, 2024Leading Under AuthorityExodus 4:18-31Michael Wilburn
June 16, 2024Leading With OtherExodus 6:14-7:13Michael Wilburn
April 28, 2024Leading Out of ObscurityExodus 2:11-25Michael Wilburn
May 26, 2024Leading Under OppressionExodus 5:1-21Michael Wilburn
May 5, 2024Leading with PurposeExodus 3:1-22Michael Wilburn
June 2, 2024Leading ReluctantlyExodus 5:22-6:1Michael Wilburn
ExodusAugust - December 2024
August 18, 2024Let My People Go (Part 1)Exodus 7:14 - 9:7Michael Wilburn
September 15, 2024The Wilderness WayExodus 13:1-22Michael Wilburn
October 13, 2024Rescued for HolinessExodus 19:1-20:26Michael Wilburn
November 24, 2024The Golden CalfExodus 32Michael Wilburn
December 29, 2024God’s Glory Among His PeopleExodus 40Michael Wilburn
August 25, 2024Let My People Go (Part 2)Exodus 9:8 - 10:29Michael Wilburn
September 22, 2024The Red SeaExodus 14:1-31Michael Wilburn
October 20, 2024Rescued for JusticeExodus 21:1-24:18Michael Wilburn
December 8, 2024God Dwells Apart from His PeopleExodus 33Michael Wilburn
September 1, 2024PassoverExodus 11:1-12:30, 43-51Michael Wilburn
September 29, 2024The Song of MosesExodus 15:1-21Michael Wilburn
November 10, 2024God Dwells with His PeopleExodus 25-27Michael Wilburn
December 15, 2024New Commandments & A Renewed CovenantExodus 34Michael Wilburn
September 8, 2024Plundering the EgyptiansExodus 12:31-42Michael Wilburn
October 6, 2024Rescued for FaithExodus 15:22-18:27Michael Wilburn
November 17, 2024Priesthood, Offerings, Artisans & SabbathsExodus 28-31Michael Wilburn
December 22, 2024God’s People Dwell with GodExodus 35-39Michael Wilburn